
Gynecomastia (also spelled gynaecomastia, or referred to as "man boobs") is not talked about much, for a variety of reasons. For some men, it may be an embarrassing topic. Others may think there just aren't any good treatment options available. So let's talk about gynecomastia, and the treatment options Patrick at enhanceme can offer you!


Gynecomastia, its symptoms and causes

If, as a male, you experience swollen and/or sore breasts, this can be a sign of gynecomastia. The swelling and tenderness can occur in one or both breasts, and swelling may be more pronounced in one breast than the other. While gynecomastia doesn't usually have any physical complications, it is often a psychological and emotional burden.

Male breasts can become enlarged when there's an imbalance between the hormones estrogen and testosterone, both of which are produced by the male body. There are a number of reasons for this hormonal imbalance to occur. Most commonly, natural hormone changes are to blame. Many boys temporarily develop "man boobs" during puberty. Of the teenage boys who experience pubertal gynecomastia, 75% will outgrow it within two years, with no treatment required. About a quarter of all men in their 50s are also affected by gynecomastia. 

Aside from hormonal imbalances, certain medications can also cause gynecomastia. Medications are responsible for up to a quarter of all cases. These include prostate medications, anabolic steroids, AIDS therapies, anti-anxiety medications, cancer treatments as well as a number of others medications. Less frequently, the condition is caused by other health conditions or substance abuse.


Diagnosing gynecomastia vs pseudogynecomastia

During your first consultation here at enhanceme, your surgeon Dr Patrick Lyall will discuss any need for further diagnosis. Before you can consider breast reduction surgery, it's important to exclude causes like cancer, which would require a different form of treatment. 

While gynecomastia is the growth of breast tissue caused by a hormonal imbalance, pseudogynecomastia is an excess of fatty tissue. Both types can be relieved with surgery, but the surgical techniques Patrick uses will vary. During your consultation, Patrick will assess your options, and together, you will decide on your desired outcome. You may choose to undergo liposuction at the same time.


Surgery and recovery

Your surgery will take place at Mercy Hospital under general anaesthetic. The operation typically takes 2 hours. Hospital stay is usually for 1 night. There is a risk of complications, as is the case with any medical procedure. During your consultation, Patrick will give you detailed information about the risks involved.

After you return home from the hospital, Patrick will arrange regular follow-up to monitor your healing process to ensure the best possible long-term results. Recovery times vary depending on the extent of your procedure and your body’s healing capacity. You can expect to be off work for one week if you have a desk job, or up to 6 weeks if your job is more physically demanding. Your return to exercise will need to be gradual.


Male breast reduction surgery cost at enhanceme

As is the case with any procedure performed here at enhanceme, Patrick will give you a personal cost estimate after your consultation. Total time spent in theatre and the number of nights in hospital will influence the cost of your procedure. The typical cost of gynecomastia surgery is between $14,000 - $19,000. This includes Patrick’s fee as the surgeon, as well as hospital and anaesthetic fees. If you and Patrick agree on a simultaneous liposuction, this will come with an additional cost.